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Гончарова Эллина Владимировна
Дерматолог, Трихотрансплантолог
Стаж работы:
6 лет
Специализация врача
  • Диагностика и терапия кожных заболеваний различного генеза;
  • Ранняя диагностика кожных новообразований;
  • Диагностика и лечение инфекций, передаваемых половым путем;
  • Удаление доброкачественных образований кожи, бородавок, контагиозного моллюска (криодеструкция, радиоволновая хирургия аппаратом Сургидрон);
  • Трихология;
  • Трансплантация волос.
  • 2019, Москва, Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет имени А.И. Евдокимова» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации, специальность «Врач-лечебник»;
  • 2021, Москва, Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение дополнительного профессионального образования «Центральная государственная медицинская академия Управления делами Президента Российской Федерации», специальность «Врач-дерматовенеролог».
Профессиональная переподготовка
  • 2021, Москва, Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение дополнительного профессионального образования «Центральная государственная медицинская академия Управления делами Президента Российской Федерации», Косметология;
  • 2021, Москва, Современная научно- технологическая академия, Ультразвуковая диагностика;
  • 2023, Московский институт подготовки кадров, Хирургия.
Повышение квалификации
  • 2021, Институт Профессионального Образования, Трихология.
Публикации в СМИ
  • 2019, Москва, Научный журнал СибАК, «Тотальная алопеция при аутоиммунном тиреоидите. Пути решения».
Салбиева Эка Кахиевна
Стаж работы:
5 лет
Специализация врача
Трансплантация волос.
  • 2022, Владикавказ, Федеральное Государственное Бюджетное Образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Северо-Осетинская государственная медицинская академия», Министерство здравоохранения Российской Федерации г. Владикавказ, Программа специалитета по специальности: Медико-профилактическое дело, Квалификация: Врач по общей гигиене, по эпидемиологии.
Повышение квалификации
  • 2021, Владикавказ, Учебно-Методический центр «MARTINES IMAGE», Базовый курс «Мезотерапии, биоревиталиции кожи лица и тела. Работа с осложнениями и их профилактика»;
  • 2021, Ставрополь, LA MENTE, Базовый курс «Мезонити»;
  • 2022, Москва, Центр Международной Торговли, XI Национальный конгресс с международным участием имени Н.О. Миланова – «Пластическая Хирургия, Эстетическая Медицина и Косметология»;
  • 2022, Москва, SLMV clinic, «Инъекционная косметология»;
  • 2023, Москва, Inter Cosmetology, семинар «PRP-терапия Cortexil. Теория и практика».

Запись на прием

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How to prepare for surgery

You must take tests and bring them with you on the appointed day (original documents):
1. Hepatitis B (HBsAg)
2. Hepatitis C (anti-HCV total)
3. HIV (AT to HIV 1/2 and AG p24)
4. Syphilis (RPR)
Valid for 3 months.
5. Complete blood count (without leukocyte formula)
6. Blood coagulogram (prothrombin, APTT, fibrinogen, thrombin time)
Valid for 2 weeks
Before the hair transplant procedure, it is recommended:
1. Avoid using medicated shampoos 3 days before the procedure
2. Avoid the use of external preparations containing minoxidil and other hair serums 5-7 days before the procedure
3. Avoid taking blood thinning drugs (NSAIDs, non-narcotic analgesics) - for example, ibuprofen, etc. Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents only on the recommendation of the attending physician. You should inform your doctor about any medications you have taken in the last 5-7 days.
4. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages 2 weeks before the procedure
5. Avoid taking drugs 2 weeks before the procedure
6. Avoid smoking, including hookah, 7 days before the procedure
7. On the eve and on the day of the hair transplant procedure, it is prohibited to consume fatty, fried, spicy and smoked foods, coffee
The night before, you need to take a shower at home and wash your hair with the shampoo (not on the day of transplantation!) that you usually use. Do not apply hairspray, gel or other hair products to your hair.
Do not cut your hair in advance, come to us with the hairstyle you usually wear or with long hair.
When transplanting facial hair (mustache, beard), it is MANDATORY to have 3-day stubble!
On the day of the procedure, take with you:
1. A shirt (jacket) with buttons or a zipper, or other clothing whose removal method will not allow you to touch the transplanted hair
2. A change of clean pants or shorts (in those that will be comfortable for you to lie in for a long time). We do not recommend taking jeans or any tight pants
3. Umbrella (in case of rain or snow)
4. Clean shoes (for example, slippers or flip-flops)

After operation

Carefully follow all the instructions below.
To care for two areas (donor and recipient), use only those products that were given to you at the clinic.

* After hair transplantation, specialists apply a bandage to the donor area (the back of the head), the recipient area (the area of transplanted hair) remains open throughout the entire rehabilitation period!

During the first 3 days after hair transplantation, you should not tilt your head too much; this can provoke bleeding in the hair transplantation area and aggravate possible swelling of the tissue.
In the evening after hair transplantation, you need to start taking medications following the instructions below. You were given two ziplock bags (small - for taking in the evening of the same day, large - for taking from the 2nd to 7th day). Includes:

CIPROFLOXACIN 500 mg is an antibacterial drug (to prevent infections).
ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID 100 mg (cardiomagnyl, aspirin, thrombo ACC) - for the prevention of thrombus formation in order to improve microcirculation of the scalp.
DEXAMETHASONE 10 mg (megadexane) is a glucocorticosteroid drug (to relieve inflammation and swelling of tissue).
OMEPRAZOLE 20 mg - protection of the gastric mucosa due to taking a complex of drugs.
KETOROLAC (ketanov) 10 mg is an anesthetic drug.

* To prevent intestinal dysbiosis, in addition to the antibacterial drug, it is recommended to add preparations of lacto- and bifidobacteria (Linex, Back-Set Forte, Maxilak, Acipol). Ask at pharmacies.

Instructions for medications
1st day (evening) after hair transplant:
Before meals:
— omeprazole 1 caps before meals
— thrombo ass 1 tablet 15 minutes after omeprazole
After or during meals:
— ciprofloxacin 1 tablet
- Ketanov 1 tablet (if pain is present)

2nd day after hair transplant (large Ziploc bag):
Morning (strictly until 12.00)
Before meals:
— omeprazole 1 caps before meals
— thrombo ass 1 tablet 15 minutes after omeprazole
After or during meals:
— megadexane 1 tab
- Ketanov 1 tablet (if pain is present)
Before meals:
— omeprazole 1 caps before meals
After or during meals:
— ciprofloxacin 1 tablet

3rd day after hair transplant:
Morning (strictly until 12.00)
Before meals:
— omeprazole 1 caps before meals
— thrombo ass 1 tablet 15 minutes after omeprazole
After or during meals:
— megadexane 1 tab
Before meals:
— omeprazole 1 caps before meals
After or during meals:
— ciprofloxacin 1 tablet

4th day after hair transplant:
Morning (strictly until 12.00)
Before meals:
— omeprazole 1 caps before meals
— thrombo ass 1 tablet 15 minutes after omeprazole
After or during meals:
— megadexane 1 tab
Before meals:
— omeprazole 1 caps before meals
After or during meals:
— ciprofloxacin 1 tablet

5th day after hair transplant:
Morning (strictly until 12.00)
Before meals:
— omeprazole 1 caps before meals
— thrombo ass 1 tablet 15 minutes after omeprazole
After or during meals:
— megadexane 1/2 tab (!)
Before meals:
— omeprazole 1 caps before meals
After or during meals:
— ciprofloxacin 1 tablet

6th day after hair transplant:
Morning (strictly until 12.00)
Before meals:
— omeprazole 1 caps before meals
— thrombo ass 1 tablet 15 minutes after omeprazole
After or during meals:
— megadexane 1/2 tab (!)
Before meals:
— omeprazole 1 caps before meals
After or during meals:
— ciprofloxacin 1 tablet

7th day after hair transplant:
Morning (strictly until 12.00)
Before meals:
— omeprazole 1 caps before meals
— thrombo ass 1 tablet 15 minutes after omeprazole
Before meals:
— omeprazole 1 caps before meals
After or during meals:
— ciprofloxacin 1 tablet

From the 8th day you can start taking dietary supplements (vitamins)
1 capsule per day during or after meals
Course 2 months. You can continue the course of taking vitamins (on your own or on the recommendation of a specialist) after a break of 1 month, that is, from the 4th month after hair transplantation.

For the first 5-7 days, you need to use a special headrest pillow for sleeping. It not only prevents the transplanted area from coming into contact with the pillow, but also fixes a certain position of the head so as not to provoke the development of edema and not to injure the area of the transplanted hair during sleep. On the first night, the headrest pillow should be wrapped in a disposable diaper; then, after removing the bandage from the donor area, a clean towel (or a new disposable diaper) should be placed under the head every day.
For the first 3 days after transplantation, it is recommended to sleep on your back, with the head of the bed raised or using several pillows (head elevated at least 45 degrees).

Care of the donor area
There is a bandage on the donor area; it is replaced by the clinic staff the next morning. If it is not possible to come, then you need to change the bandage yourself only if it is very wet. Finally, the bandage must be removed on the 3rd day in the evening or on the 4th day in the morning (pre-moistened with sodium chloride solution). After removing the bandage, the wound surface is open, so you need to be extremely careful not to cause infection. You can touch the area with your hands, but with clean hands or wearing sterile gloves (optional). From 3-4 days you will need:
- chlorhexidine solution
- Levomethyl ointment
- sterile gauze wipes
Before starting manipulations, you need to wash your hands. Next, blot the napkin with chlorhexidine, treat the entire wound surface, let it dry for 5 minutes, apply a thin layer of levomethyl. Repeat actions 2 times a day, 5-7 days.
In the donor area, you may be bothered by crusts, flaking, occasional pimples, and slight itching.
* If severe itching occurs or crusts/pimples persist after the 14th day, contact the clinic for advice and take a photo in daylight.
You can cut hair in this area with a trimmer and scissors after 1 month (you need to wait until the inflammation and pain stop bothering you).
* Also keep in mind that the donor area is completely restored in 4-6 months.

Recipient zone (area of transplanted hair).
It is recommended that you follow the instructions carefully and do not touch the transplanted area for the first 10 days after the procedure.
Exactly one day after hair transplantation (the evening of the next day), you need to start washing your hair (video above). You will be bothered by crusts on your scalp; by washing, you soften and remove them.
If on the 10-12th day the crusts remain, then in addition to washing your hair, you need to add a light massage of the scalp in the transplant area in the direction of hair growth until the crusts are completely removed.
During this period you will see your primary result!
From the 14th day you can switch to your own shampoo, wash your hair in the shower, and also wear hats.
In the coming days after hair transplantation, tissue swelling may appear in the area of the transplanted hair, temples and forehead; this is not a complication (thanks to medications, all manifestations will go away in a matter of days). You may also be bothered by minor itching, slight flaking, isolated “pimples,” and redness of the scalp.
* If severe itching occurs, existing symptoms intensify, or new ones appear, write to a clinic specialist for consultation.
The transplanted hair begins to grow a few days after the transplant. Approximately 3-4 weeks after transplantation, the physiological process of renewal and stress hair loss begins, which is called “shock loss”. Shock loss is a physiological process that does not affect the transplanted follicles (in other words, the hair breaks off along its length). Also, this process may not affect all hair. The process of shock hair loss occurs gradually, the hairs change one by one. The duration and intensity of this process depends on the individual characteristics of the body and is determined by the physiological period of life of each hair.
New hair from the transplanted follicles begins to grow after a “rest period”
earlier than 2-5 months after transplantation. Hair growth occurs in the same way as before the transplant; over time, the process progresses naturally. After about 8-12 months, all the hair in the transplanted follicles will be completely replaced and grow back and you will be able to see the final result of your transplant.

Cutting hair in the transplant area up to 6 months is allowed only with scissors.