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user agreement

Last updated: July 29, 2024


1. General provisions
1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") it is addressed to any person using the website located on the Internet at: https://xn--c1accb6ajcqft5b.xn--p1ai/ (hereinafter referred to as the "Site"), and is an offer to conclude a contract on the following terms. 1.2. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this Agreement is a public offer. According to Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, acceptance of the terms of this Agreement is considered to be the commission of the actions set out in the Agreement. The contract concluded by accepting this offer does not require two-way signing and is valid in electronic form. 1.3. The User cannot enter into this Agreement if he has not reached the age required for its conclusion in accordance with the current legislation.

2. Terms and definitions
The following terms are used in this Agreement in the following meanings:: 2.1. Site – a set of computer programs and other information contained in the information system, access to which is provided via the Internet at: https://xn--c1accb6ajcqft5b.xn--p1ai/. 2.2. Offer – an offer to any person to conclude a contract on the terms set out in this Agreement. 2.3. Acceptance – the full and unconditional consent of a person to conclude a contract on the terms set out in this Agreement. Acceptance is considered a mark of the User's consent to the terms of this Agreement. 2.4. Content – any text, graphic, audio, video and other materials posted on the Site.

3. Subject of the agreement
3.1. The Site Administration grants the User a simple (non-exclusive) license to use the Site and the content posted on it under the conditions set out in this Agreement. 3.2. The Site Administration confirms the existence of all exclusive rights to the Site. 3.3. The User confirms that by making an acceptance, he has read the terms of this Agreement and understands them. 3.4. The text of this Agreement is available on the Website. The Site Administration may change the terms of the Agreement at any time. Changes take effect from the moment they are published on the Site.

4. Rights and obligations
4.1. User Rights: 4.1.1. Have round-the-clock access to the Site, except during maintenance work. 4.1.2. Use the Site within the limits defined in this Agreement. 4.2. User's obligations: 4.2.1. Comply with the terms of this Agreement. 4.2.2. Do not distribute malicious software that may damage, interfere with, intercept, expropriate or otherwise violate the integrity of the systems associated with the Site, as well as the personal information of other Users. 4.2.3. Do not copy, reproduce, re-publish, make transactions with the Site content, or use the Site for activities similar to those of the Site Administration. 4.2.4. Do not upload or publish information on the Site that violates the law or the rights and interests of other persons, as well as any other undesirable information in the opinion of the Site Administration. 4.2.5. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using the Site. 4.3. Rights of the Site Administration: 4.3.1. Set restrictions on the use of the Site for certain categories of Users. 4.3.2. Delete or change any information posted by the User on the Site that violates the law or the rights and interests of others. 4.3.3. Do not check the content of information transmitted by the User through the Site. 4.3.4. Terminate this Agreement with the User in case of violation of the terms of the Agreement. 4.3.5. Change the text of this Agreement unilaterally. 4.4. Responsibilities of the Site Administration: 4.4.1. Provide round-the-clock access to the Site, except during maintenance work. 4.4.2. Do not take any actions that may lead to the User's inability to use the Site.

5. Terms of Use of the Site
5.1. The Site Administration grants the User a personal, non-exclusive, free, limited license to use the Site under the conditions set out in this Agreement. 5.2. The User has the right to use the Site only for purposes that do not contradict the current legislation. The User does not have the right to collect, copy, distribute, display, modify, use automatic devices or programs to access or copy any part of the Site. 5.3. The User has the right to post information on the Site, providing the Site Administration with a non-exclusive license to use such information. The Site administration is not required to provide reports on the use of information. 5.4. The User is fully responsible for compliance of the posted information with the requirements of the legislation, including liability to third parties. 5.5. Upon termination of this Agreement, all licenses and rights to use the Site are terminated. Termination of the Agreement does not release the User from the obligations that arose before its termination.

6. Responsibility
6.1. The Site Administration makes every effort to ensure the Site's functionality, but does not guarantee its continued availability and security. The only solution available to the User in case of problems is to stop using the Site. 6.2. The use of the Site is carried out on an "as is" basis and at the User's own risk. The Site administration does not provide any guarantees regarding the Site. 6.3. The Site Administration is not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of the User's use of the Site. 6.4. The User is responsible for violating the terms of this Agreement. If a claim is filed against the Site Administration in connection with the User's violation of this Agreement, the User undertakes to compensate all losses.

7. Force majeure
7.1. The Site Administration is not responsible for failure to provide services in case of force majeure. 7.2. Force majeure circumstances include natural disasters, the impact of forces or causes beyond the reasonable control of the Site Administration, including, but not limited to: Internet outage, computers, telecommunications, power outages, actions of government agencies.

8. Claims and notices
8.1. In case of disputes between the Site Administration and the User, the claim settlement procedure is mandatory. 8.2. The User has the right to send a claim to the Site Administration in case of violation of the terms of the Agreement. 8.3. The Site Administration has the right to send a claim to the User in case of violation of the terms of the Agreement. 8.4. The claim review period is 30 days from the date of receipt. 8.5. In case of failure to reach an agreement, the dispute is subject to consideration in court at the location of the Site Administration.

9. Privacy and Security
9.1. The Site Administration undertakes to keep the User's information confidential in accordance with the Privacy Policy posted on the Site and in accordance with the Federal Law "On Personal Data"

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