Скоро появится

Гончарова Эллина Владимировна
Дерматолог, Трихотрансплантолог
Стаж работы:
6 лет
Специализация врача
  • Диагностика и терапия кожных заболеваний различного генеза;
  • Ранняя диагностика кожных новообразований;
  • Диагностика и лечение инфекций, передаваемых половым путем;
  • Удаление доброкачественных образований кожи, бородавок, контагиозного моллюска (криодеструкция, радиоволновая хирургия аппаратом Сургидрон);
  • Трихология;
  • Трансплантация волос.
  • 2019, Москва, Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет имени А.И. Евдокимова» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации, специальность «Врач-лечебник»;
  • 2021, Москва, Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение дополнительного профессионального образования «Центральная государственная медицинская академия Управления делами Президента Российской Федерации», специальность «Врач-дерматовенеролог».
Профессиональная переподготовка
  • 2021, Москва, Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение дополнительного профессионального образования «Центральная государственная медицинская академия Управления делами Президента Российской Федерации», Косметология;
  • 2021, Москва, Современная научно- технологическая академия, Ультразвуковая диагностика;
  • 2023, Московский институт подготовки кадров, Хирургия.
Повышение квалификации
  • 2021, Институт Профессионального Образования, Трихология.
Публикации в СМИ
  • 2019, Москва, Научный журнал СибАК, «Тотальная алопеция при аутоиммунном тиреоидите. Пути решения».
Салбиева Эка Кахиевна
Стаж работы:
5 лет
Специализация врача
Трансплантация волос.
  • 2022, Владикавказ, Федеральное Государственное Бюджетное Образовательное учреждение высшего образования «Северо-Осетинская государственная медицинская академия», Министерство здравоохранения Российской Федерации г. Владикавказ, Программа специалитета по специальности: Медико-профилактическое дело, Квалификация: Врач по общей гигиене, по эпидемиологии.
Повышение квалификации
  • 2021, Владикавказ, Учебно-Методический центр «MARTINES IMAGE», Базовый курс «Мезотерапии, биоревиталиции кожи лица и тела. Работа с осложнениями и их профилактика»;
  • 2021, Ставрополь, LA MENTE, Базовый курс «Мезонити»;
  • 2022, Москва, Центр Международной Торговли, XI Национальный конгресс с международным участием имени Н.О. Миланова – «Пластическая Хирургия, Эстетическая Медицина и Косметология»;
  • 2022, Москва, SLMV clinic, «Инъекционная косметология»;
  • 2023, Москва, Inter Cosmetology, семинар «PRP-терапия Cortexil. Теория и практика».

Запись на прием

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Оставьте заявку и мы свяжемся с вами в течение 15 минут


Поздравляем, вы получили скидку 2000 ₽
на пересадку волос, отправьте заявку!

Goncharova Ellina Vladimirovna


Dermatologist, Trichotransplantologist

Work experience:

6 years
Doctor's specialization
  • Diagnostics and treatment of skin diseases of various origins;
  • Early diagnosis of skin tumors;
  • Diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections;
  • Removal of benign skin formations, warts, molluscum contagiosum (cryodestruction, radio wave surgery with the Surhydron device);
  • Trichology;
  • Hair transplantation
  • 2019, Moscow, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.I. Evdokimov" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, specialty "Physician";
  • 2021, Moscow, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Additional Professional Education “Central State Medical Academy of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation”, specialty “Dermatovenerologist”.
Professional retraining
  • 2021, Moscow, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Additional Professional Education “Central State Medical Academy of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation”, Cosmetology;
  • 2021, Moscow, Modern Scientific and Technological Academy, Ultrasound diagnostics;
  • 2023, Moscow Institute of Personnel Training, Surgery.
  • 2021, Institute of Professional Education, Trichology.
Publications in the media
  • 2019, Moscow, Scientific journal SibAK, “Total alopecia with autoimmune thyroiditis. Ways of solution."

Salbieva Eka Kakhievna

Work experience:
5 years
Doctor's specialization:

Hair transplantation.

  • 2022, Vladikavkaz, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "North Ossetian State Medical Academy", Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Vladikavkaz, Specialist program in the specialty: Medical and preventive care, Qualification: General hygiene doctor, epidemiology.
  • 2021, Vladikavkaz, Training and Methodological Center “MARTINES IMAGE”, Basic course “Mesotherapy, biorevitalization of facial and body skin. Working with complications and their prevention”;
  • 2021, Stavropol, LA MENTE, Basic course “Mesothreads”;
  • 2022, Moscow, World Trade Center, XI National Congress with international participation named after N.O. Milanova – “Plastic Surgery, Aesthetic Medicine and Cosmetology”;
  • 2022, Moscow, SLMV clinic, “Injection cosmetology”;
  • 2023, Moscow, Inter Cosmetology, seminar “PRP therapy Cortexil. Theory and practice".


Hair transplantation for men and women is not only about looking better, but also about feeling more confident!

Scalp hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles are transplanted from one area of ​​the scalp, usually from a part of the scalp that is not susceptible to balding or sparse hair, to another.

The high-tech and modern FUE method we use involves the use of special instruments to extract each follicle from the donor area. The result of the procedure carried out using this method exceeds all expectations.

The restoration and growth of transplanted hair takes time. Achieving the full result is visible after a few months, the hair in the transplanted area begins to grow. The results of a hair transplant are permanent and indistinguishable from the rest of the hair on the head.







video reviews

our specialists

  • Work experience - 8 years
  • Kursk State Medical University
  • Year of release - 2015

transplant surgeon

Pyatin Evgeniy Vladimirovich

  • Work experience - 5 years
  • North Ossetian State Medical Academy
  • State Medical University named after. Academician E.A. Wagner

Eka Kakhievna

transplant surgeon

Nadezhda Alekseevna

surgical assistant

  • Work experience - 4 years
  • State professional educational institution of the Moscow Health Department
  • Year of release - 2019

Goncharova Ellina Vladimirovna

dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist, surgeon

  • Work experience - 6 years
  • Author of scientific articles on trichology
  • Graduated from Moscow State Medical University named after A.I. Evdokimov
  • Residency in dermatovenereology TSMA UDP

our specialists

  • Work experience - 5 years
  • North Ossetian State Medical Academy
  • State Medical University named after. Academician E.A. Wagner

Eka Kakhievna

transplant surgeon

  • Work experience - 6 years
  • Author of scientific articles on trichology
  • Graduated from Moscow State Medical University named after A.I. Evdokimov
  • Residency in dermatovenereology TSMA UDP

dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist, surgeon

Goncharova Ellina Vladimirovna

  • Work experience - 8 years
  • Kursk State Medical University
  • Year of release - 2015

transplant surgeon

Pyatin Evgeniy Vladimirovich

Nadezhda Alekseevna

surgical assistant

  • Work experience - 4 years
  • State professional educational institution of the Moscow Health Department
  • Year of release - 2019

What does our clinic look like?

Video review of our clinic, we have created this cozy place for you!
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Prepare for the procedure by bringing the test results for hepatitis B, C and HIV. Take tests in advance, observing the expiration date for a month before the hair transplant.

Patients over 55 years of age and with heart disease are kindly requested to have a cardiogram and a cardiologist's report with them.
Do not use shampoos with minoxidil 5-7 days before the procedure. Stop taking blood thinning medications 5 days before the transplant.

Avoid alcohol, drugs, and hookah 7 days before the procedure. Eat a hearty meal before the procedure according to the appointed time.
Wear a button-down or zip-up shirt that does not touch the transplanted hair. Take a change of pants or shorts for convenience.

Take an umbrella with you just in case.
Before the procedure, wash your hair the day before. Do not use nail polish, gel or other hair products.

When transplanting facial hair, have 3 days of stubble.
A week before the procedure, massage the donor area and the area of the future transplant. Perform plasma therapy. Take Ascorutin, which improves microcirculation.

A month before the procedure, take vitamins with biotin. Stop taking vitamins three days before the procedure. Improving microcirculation is important for successful hair transplantation.
How to prepare for the procedure

Hair transplantation
with fue method

этапы пересадки волос в Москве
Incision around hair follicles
Extraction of grafts from the donor area
Preparation of grafts
Implantation of grafts into bald areas


пересадка волос в Москве
Implantation of grafts
in the baldness zone
Removing grafts from the donor area
Preparation of grafts
Implantation of grafts into bald areas

How is the operation going

Free consultation

Conclusion of the contract

Preparing for a hair transplant


Taking grafts

Carrying out the operation

Rehabilitation after hair transplantation


The clinic's surgeon will advise you on the procedure of the operation, answer your questions and make an individual plan

Our lawyers prepare a contract for the provision of medical services, where all the details and conditions are prescribed

We provide you with a list of tests required for delivery and provide instructions on how to make
your stay in the clinic comfortable and safe

Nurses carefully anesthetize the surgery site for your comfort throughout the procedure

The surgeon extracts the required number of grafts from the donor area
(most often occipital or temporal). Extraction takes place using the seamless FUE method

Our surgeons carefully transplant grafts into the baldness zone

We provide you with all the necessary tools and instructions for fast healing of the surgery area and order a taxi to your home

2-3 months after the transplant, you will see the first result.
The final result of hair transplantation can be estimated in 6-12 months

How is
the operation going?

More detailed

Rehabilitation after
hair transplantation



Carrying out the operation

Conclusion of the contract

Taking grafts

Preparing for a hair transplant

Free consultation

How is
the operation going?


2-3 months after the transplant
, you will see the first result. The final result of hair transplantation can be estimated in 6-12 months


Nurses carefully anesthetize the surgery site for your comfort throughout the procedure

Carrying out the operation

Our surgeons carefully transplant grafts into the baldness zone

Conclusion of the contract

Our lawyers prepare a contract for the provision of medical services, where all the details and conditions are prescribed

Rehabilitation after hair transplantation

We provide you with all the necessary tools
and instructions for fast healing of the surgery area
and order a taxi to your home

Preparing for a hair transplant

We provide you with a list of tests required for delivery
and we provide instructions on how to make your stay in the clinic comfortable and safe

Taking grafts

The surgeon extracts the required number of grafts from the donor area
(most often occipital or temporal). Extraction takes place using the seamless FUE method

Free consultation

The clinic's surgeon will advise you on the procedure of the operation, answer your questions and make an individual plan

modern premium

any stage
of baldness

A painless

100% guarantee of survival
under the contract

Our clinic guarantees hair growth
throughout your life or returns the money

Клиника использует современное оборудование для безболезненной пересадки волос

Our clinic works with various stages of baldness at a fixed price

The specialists of our clinic take care of the comfort and safety of each client during the operation

up to 400 grafts
in one day

A full hair transplant cycle will take only 1 day



Our clinic guarantees hair growth throughout your life or your money back

Guaranteed survivability under contract

Modern premium

The clinic uses modern equipment for painless hair transplantation

Any stage of baldness

Our clinic is open
with different stages of baldness at a fixed price

Up to 4000 grafts in one day

Full cycle of hair transplant
it will only take 1 day

Painless procedure

Our clinic specialists
care about the comfort and safety of each client during surgery

Our task is

— to help men and women undergo a hair transplant procedure quickly, efficiently, painlessly and at an adequate price

100% guarantee of survival under the contract

FUE Hair Transplant

Taking care of the client at every stage of the procedure

A team of experienced specialists
with work experience from 5 to 17 years

Visible result 3-12 months after surgery

our task is

To help men and women undergo a hair transplant procedure quickly, efficiently, painlessly
and at an adequate price

Гормедцентр в Москве


For information about the schedule and stages of operations, please call us
Leave a request and we will contact you!


For information about the schedule and stages of
operations, please call us
Leave a request and we will contact you!

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that is performed to restore the natural hair cover where the hair has become thin, sparse or completely absent. The hair transplant procedure helps to restore the density of the hair and give it a more natural look.

The first step in the hair transplant procedure is to extract the hair transplant units. These units contain one or more hairs and their surrounding tissues. Usually, donor hair is taken from the back or side of the head, where the hair is not prone to baldness or rarity.


Androgenic, diffuse, focal, alopecia (baldness)
Hormonal failure
High location of the hairline
Receding hairline
Insufficient hair density
Consequences of injury, burn
Genetic features of hair growth
Hair loss due to diseases
Age under 18
Oncological diseases
Serious heart disease
The presence of a pacemaker
Diabetes mellitus
Intolerance to painkillers
Please consult your doctor if you have a chronic medical condition


Please fill out the feedback form to ask any questions regarding our services.
I want to do a hair transplant:

By clicking on the button, you consent to the processing of personal data and agree to the privacy policy

GorMedCenter (GMC)


Your reliable partner in matters of hair restoration and attractiveness!

Our story is the story of your desires and our desire to make them come true. GorMedCenter approaches hair transplant issues in Moscow with maximum responsibility, paying attention to every detail so that you feel confident and beautiful.

Our team of experts has many years of experience in the field of hair transplantation and we are proud of our reputation in Moscow.

Modern methods

We follow the latest trends in hair transplantation and use advanced techniques to achieve outstanding results.

Individual approach

Your wishes and needs are the most important to us. We create personalized treatment plans to meet your expectations.

Professional team

Our doctors and specialists are the best in the field, ready to help you restore your hair and confidence.

Proven results

At HMC, our clinical success and the satisfaction of our clients confirm the quality of our work.

GorMedCenter (GMC) hair transplant clinic is a place where your dreams of healthy and beautiful hair become a reality. Rely on us and we will do our best to make you feel confident and attractive.